Thursday, 19 December 2013

Pirates of the Caribbean Hack Super Gun, Ship and Defence

Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-Hack-Super-Gun-Ship-and-DefencePirates of the Caribbean Hack Super Gun, Ship and Defence. This cheats function to make weapons, ships and our defense becomes stronger. Like the super weapons, this cheat works for multiplying damage, accuracy, fire rate, bulletspeed and range and many more functions of this hack.

Info Upddate:
Pirates of the Caribbean Hack Super Gun, Ship and Defence Upddate ‎Thursday, ‎December ‎19, ‎2013. Update Pirates of the Caribbean Locker Blue Hack

The contents of this cheat:
  1. Super Gun (Multiplied damage, accuracy, fire rate, bulletspeed and range - tested and work)
  2. Super Ship (Multiplied capacity, armor and health - tested and work)
  3. Super Defence for Interceptor Wave - Untested
Tools Required:
Steps to use Pirates of the Caribbean application:
  1. Download Pirates of the Caribbean application
  2. Log in to your facebook account and play Pirates of the Caribbean Game
  3. After loading the game is finished, open Pirates of the Caribbean application.
  4. Then enter personal password
    Personl password: 8899
  5. After that select cheat you want to use (by pressing the numbers listed in the application)
  6. Then destroy your enemies.
  7. Video tutorials: 

Baseball Heroes Hack Combo Update

Baseball+Heroes+Hack+Combo+Update+April+2013 www.gamebloginf.blogspot.comBaseball Heroes Hack Combo dan Home Run ComboMax. Update terbaru BBH Trainer buatan N3. Baseball Heroes Hack ComboMax New Update. Hack ini berfungsi agar combo selalu maksimal.
Info Update: 
Baseball Heroes Hack Combo Update ‎Kamis, ‎19  Desember, ‎2013. Update trainer BBHv494
- Bypass (harus di aktifkan)
- Permanent Combo (setelah dapat combo max maka kamu tidak akan hilang combo max untuk pertandingan selanjutnya, kecuali refresh game)
- +1 Max Combo (cukup dapat 1 point combo, maka akan combo max)
- Auto Swing (Mukul sendiri) 

Alat yang digunakan untuk Baseball Heroes Hack Combo :
  1. Cheat Engine

    Free Download Cheat Engine

  2. Free Download BBHv494

    Free Download BBHv494 Trainer 32-bit

    Free Download BBHv494 Trainer 64-bit

  3. Browser Anda (google chrome)
Langkah-langkah untuk menjalankan BBH Trainer:
  1. Download dan Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download BBH Trainer
  3. Masuk akun facebook dan masuk ke game Baseball Heroes (Setelah masuk jangan langsug bertanding atau klik apapun)
  4. Buka BBH Trainer buatan N3, kemudian pilih browser yang anda gunakan
  5. Langkah selanjutnya setelah anda memilih browser adalah aktifkan semua list hack yang terdapat dalam Trainer
  6. Kembali ke game Baseball Heroes dan Salam HOME RUN!!!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update

Kitchen+Scramble+Hack+Complete+UpdateKitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update, with this cheat you can cook instantly, get more bonus tip, and many more amenities which you can get.
Info Update: 
Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete Update ‎‎‎‎‎Thursday, ‎December ‎19, ‎2013. Update Trainer (Kitchen Scramble V19 Trainer - free download, no password and no survey)
Features contained in Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete:
1. Instant Cooking
2. Tip Bonus++
3. Visitor Heart
4. Easy Heart Gauge

Tools reqired:
  1. CheatEngine :

    Free Download CheatEngine

  2. Kitchen_Scramble_V19 32-bit and 64-bit (free download, no password and no survey) :

    Free Download Kitchen_Scramble_V19 32-bit

    Free Download Kitchen_Scramble_V19 64-bit

  3. Your browser
Steps to use Kitchen Scramble Hack Complete:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. log in to facebook account and open Kitchen Scramble (Do not click anything.!)
  3. Open Kitchen Trainer and select process browser
  4. Then click hack list in the trainer.
  5. Then let's play
  6. Below is a tutorial in video format:

Dark Warrior hack gems and resource permanent

Dark Warriors Hack Gems Permanent, Hack ini berfungsi untuk menambah Gems pada game facebook Dark Warriors secara permanent, Hack ini telah saya test dan berhasil 100% serta sampai sekarang akun saya tidak di banned (no banned)

Dark Warriors Hack Gems, All Resource Permanent and Exp with free Tools 100% workark-Warriors-Hack-Gems%252C-All-Resource-Permanent-and-Exp

Steps to use Tools Dark Warriors Game All Resource and XP Free 100% Work (New):

  • Log in to your facebook account and play Dark Warriors game

    1. Open this link:
      Dark Warriors Free Tools - (New n' Work)
    2. Then you are asked to enter facebook id, fill with your facebook id
    3. Select the package you want to use
    4. After that click Proces Now button
    5. Then reload game

    Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish

    Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish. This hack function to assist us in catching fish in the game Let's Fish. With this hack, you could always catch fish with ease.
    Info Update : 
    Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish Update ‎Wednesday, ‎December ‎18, ‎2013. Update for lets fish update42.CT

    Equipment Used for Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish : 

  • Cheat Engine

    Free Download Cheat Engine

    1. File Lets Fish Update 42.CT

      Free Download Lets Fish Update 42.CT

    2. Browser
    Steps for Let's Fish Hack Always Catch Fish : 

    1. Download and Insatal Cheat Engine (do not open) then Download File CT
    2. Sign in to game Let's Fish (do not click "Cast the line" first)
    3. Open Cheat Engine with double click File CT
    4. Select process to open then select (FlashPlayerPlugin for firefox or chrome.exe for google chrome) with double click
    5. Then check adrress in address list

    8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack (New Update)

    8+Ball+Pool+Cheat+Target+Line+Hack+%28New+Update%298 Ball Pool is billiards game on facebook a lot of users.. Play billiards eight ball 8 ball pool, with other players online. You have to put all the balls and finally the ball number 8. There are several levels of players, as you gain experience your level will increase.
    8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack is functioning to make the target line becomes longer. By using this cheats, you will be much easier to insert your billiard balls.

    Info Update: 
    8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack New Update on ‎‎‎‎Wednesday, ‎December ‎18, ‎2013.Update for Long Line V7.ct (tested and work)

    8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack Need :
    8 Ball Pool Cheat Target Line Hack Steps :
    1. Log into 8 Ball Pool (up on lobby)
    2. Open Cheat Engine
    3. In cheat engine, select process "FlashPlayerPlugin" for mozilla in win 7, "plugin-container.exe"for mozzila in win xp.
    4. Then click (ctrl+o) on your keyboard then select file Long Line.CT  that you downloaded earlier and tick small box
    5. after that, back to 8 Ball Pool and let's play..

    My Ninja Hack Critical 100% Work

    My+Ninja+Hack+Critical+100%25+WorkMy Ninja Hack Critical 100% Work, with this cheat, you will easily defeat your enemies because this cheat works to increase critical to any attack. Play My Ninja and accomplish your mission.
    My Ninja Hack Damage, AI Attack and Aways Critical New Update on Wednesday, ‎December ‎11, ‎2013. Update to My Ninja Trainer Cloud

    Hack List:
    1. AI attack Friends or self
      • NOTE: Do not use AUTO you will attack your self"
    2. Damage hack
      • NOTE: Too much damage you will automatically lose the battle. so i suggest to use low level weapon like level 1 weapon xD
      • Recommended to use AI Attack Friends or self when using this.
    3. 100% Critical
      • NOTE: 100% Critical
      • Also recommended to use AI Attack Friends or self when using this.
    Tools Required:
    Steps to use My Ninja Hack Critical:

    1. Open your facebook account then open My Ninja
    2. Open My Ninja Trainer
    3. In the Trainer Select your browser
    4. then click Attach and select hack 100% Critical

  • Below is video tutorial:

  • Sunday, 8 December 2013

    Candy Crush Hack Engine All Free

    Candy Crush Hack Engine all free, with this hack you can get a high score, can get unlimited movement and many more features that can be used. Contents of this cheat: Free Lives, Sets moves to 50 (Can be used many times), Free Boosters, Set Score to 300K, Freeze Bomb Countdown and many more.
    Candy Crush Hack Engine All Free Update Sunday, ‎December ‎01, ‎2013. Update to Candy Crush Trainer v3.5

    Tools Required:

  • Cheat Engine

    Free Download Cheat Engine
  • Steps to use Candy Crush Trainer:
    1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine (but do not open)
    2. Download Candy Crush Trainer (not open)
    3. Log in to your facebook account and open Candy Crush
    4. Open Candy Crush Trainer and select process example: FlashPlayerPlugin (Accordance the browser you are using.)
    5. Click continue button then select cheat you want to use.
    6. Then let's play

    Baseball Heroes Hack Combo Update

    Baseball Heroes Hack Combo dan Home Run ComboMax. Update terbaru BBH Trainer buatan N3. Baseball Heroes Hack ComboMax New Update. Hack ini berfungsi agar combo selalu maksimal.
    Baseball Heroes Hack Combo Update ‎Jumat, ‎06 Desember, ‎2013. Update trainer BBHv475
    - Bypass (harus di aktifkan)
    - Permanent Combo (setelah dapat combo max maka kamu tidak akan hilang combo max untuk pertandingan selanjutnya, kecuali refresh game)
    - +1 Max Combo (cukup dapat 1 point combo, maka akan combo max)
    - Auto Swing (Mukul sendiri) 

    Alat yang digunakan untuk Baseball Heroes Hack Combo :

  • Cheat Engine

    Free Download Cheat Engine

    1. Free Download BBHv475

      Free Download BBHv475 Trainer 32-bit

      Free Download BBHv475 Trainer 64-bit

    2. Browser Anda (google chrome)
    Langkah-langkah untuk menjalankan BBH Trainer:
    1. Download dan Instal Cheat Engine
    2. Download BBH Trainer
    3. Masuk akun facebook dan masuk ke game Baseball Heroes (Setelah masuk jangan langsug bertanding atau klik apapun)
    4. Buka BBH Trainer buatan N3, kemudian pilih browser yang anda gunakan
    5. Langkah selanjutnya setelah anda memilih browser adalah aktifkan semua list hack yang terdapat dalam Trainer
    6. Kembali ke game Baseball Heroes dan Salam HOME RUN!!!

    Chrono blade hack

    Chrono Blade Hack Item Durability Combo Timed. With this hack you can get use items without reduced, Combo break timeout duration (10x longer), durability and timed challenge time limit (time limit 120s).

    Tools Required:
    Steps to use this cheat:
    1. Dowwnload and Insatal Cheat Engine
    2. Log in to your facebook account ten play ChronoBlade Game
    3. Open cheat engine and select proccess to open (plugin-container.exe or chrome.exe)
    4. Change value type to Array of byte
    5. Then first scan this code:
      Item Use
      First Scan Code below :
      17 59 6F 5C 0F 00 06 06 6F 5B 0F 00 06 3A 0E 00 00 00
      Change to this code :
      16 59 6F 5C 0F 00 06 06 6F 5B 0F 00 06 3A 0E 00 00 00

      New Scan Code below :
      11 04 59 6F 5F 0F 00 06 73 82 07 00 0A 13
      Change to this code :
      11 04 26 6F 5F 0F 00 06 73 82 07 00 0A 13

      Combo Break
      New Scan Code below :
      5A 1F 64 5B 80 51 11 00 04 2A
      Change to this code :
      5A 1F 0A 5B 80 51 11 00 04 2A

      Timed Challenge 1
      New Scan Code below :
      38 94 00 00 00 02 02 7B 8B 29 00 04 6F 6F 15 00 06 16 6F 95 05 00 0A 7B D0 08 00 04 7D
      Change to this code :
      38 94 00 00 00 02 02 7B 8B 29 00 04 6F 6F 15 00 06 16 6F 95 05 00 0A 26 1F 78 00 00 7D

      Timed Challenge 2
      New Scan Code below :
      38 5F 00 00 00 02 02 7B 8B 29 00 04 6F 6F 15 00 06 16 6F 95 05 00 0A 7B D0 08 00 04 7D
      Change to this code :
      38 5F 00 00 00 02 02 7B 8B 29 00 04 6F 6F 15 00 06 16 6F 95 05 00 0A 26 1F 78 00 00 7D
    6. Back to the game and play